On-Deck Coach Program

The USMS Coaches Committee offers on-deck coaching assistance for swimmers during warm-ups at National Championships and at the USMS Annual Meeting held in conjunction with the United States Aquatic Sports convention. Coaches monitor the sprint lanes during the early morning warm-ups at Nationals, giving swimmers start commands and timing sprints or pace repeats if requested. At Convention, coaches devise and conduct workouts for USMS delegates and attendees. All participating coaches are given a special USMS Coaches T-shirt, great for being recognized on deck.

The On-Deck Coach Program has grown in popularity and participation, and we're now offering to help regional Masters organizations develop the program for regional events, such as their zone championships.

Specific details and On-Deck Coaching sign-up sheets for USMS Nationals can be found on the Pool National Championships page, by selecting the current year's event information and then specific Nationals event you are interesed in signing up for. A PDF of guidelines for volunteer coaches are available for download here.

If you'd like any additional information about the USMS On-Deck Coach Program, or to sign up to help with on-deck coaching at the next Nationals or Annual Meeting, please contact the USMS Coaches Committee at coaches@usmastersswimming.org