2004 USMS Convention
United States Aquatic Sports
Convention XXV Information

Wyndham Palace Resort and Spa
Orlando, Florida
September 15-19, 2004


The recommended bidder for the USMS National Publication, Douglas Murphy Communications Inc., was approved by the House of Delegates. The first issue of our new magazine will be the March/April 2005 issue. The House of Delegates acknowledged the many years of service to USMS by Sports Publications Inc. and in particular, the Editor in Chief of SWIM magazine Phil Whitten.

After a year's worth of hard work by the Planning Committee and several fruitful public sessions at convention, the House of Delegates approved sweeping changes to the makeup of the USMS Board of Directors (BOD). Election of the new BOD members will take place at the 2005 convention, and much more work to finalize all of the required processes will take place this coming year.

Election Results:

June Krauser is retiring from the office of FINA Representative in 2005. An election was held in the HOD meetings, and Nancy Ridout of the Pacific LMSC will be our new FINA Representative upon June's retirement.

Awards Presented:

  • Ransom J. Arthur Award: Leo Letendre - Ozark LMSC
  • Speedo USMS Coach of the Year: Scott Williams, The Olympic Club - Pacific LMSC
  • Tyr Newsletter of the Year: Oregon LMSC - "Aqua-Master" - Dave Radcliffe, Editor
  • National Championship Award: Hill Carrow - North Carolina LMSC
  • David Yorzyk Award: Barbara Dunbar - San Diego - Imperial LMSC
  • Fitness Award: Jody Welborn - Oregon LMSC
  • 2005 Rule Book dedicated to: Walt Reid - Pacific Northwest LMSC
  • Dorothy Donnelly USMS Service Award (photo):
    Joan Alexander - Pacific LMSC
    Trisha Commons - Southern Pacific LMSC
    Marilyn Fink - San Diego - Imperial LMSC
    Cheryl Gettelfinger - Indiana LMSC
    David LaMott - San Diego - Imperial LMSC
    Dennis Mc Manus - Michigan LMSC
    Chris Meier-Windes - Pacific LMSC
    Mary Meyer Hull - Southern Pacific LMSC
    Mark Moore - Southern Pacific LMSC
    Jeff Moxie - Southern Pacific LMSC
    Anna Lea Roof - Missouri Valley LMSC
    Geoorge Simon - North Carolina LMSC
    Dotty Whitcomb - Southeastern LMSC
    Mary Beth Windrath - Minnesota LMSC
    Robert Zeitner - Central LMSC
2006 Pool Championships Awarded To:
  • Short Course Yards: Coral Springs Aquatic Complex, Coral Springs, FL. The tentative meet dates are May 4-7, 2006
  • Long Course Meters: There will be no 2006 USMS Long Course National Championships due to the 2006 FINA World Championships being held at Stanford from August 7 - 14, 2006.
2006 Long Distance Championships Awarded To:
  • One Hour Postal: OHIO
  • 3000/6000 Y Postal: Rio Grande
  • 5K/10K Postal: Lawrence, KS, River City Sharks
  • 2 Mile Cable: Virginia Masters
  • 1 Mile Open Water: OHIO
  • 1-3 Mile Open Water: Clemson Aquatic Team (3K)
  • 3-6 Mile Open Water: Chicago Masters (5k)
  • 6+ Mile Open Water: Fort Collins (10K)
Committee Meeting Minutes: Zone Meeting Minutes: Policy/Guideline Additions and Revisions: Pre-Convention Information:

Convention results are in .PDF format. In order to view them you must have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. Click on the link below to download a free copy.

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