Edit An Existing Meet - Sanctions & Calendar of Events

Edit Existing Meet

Please click "Edit Information" in the section that you would like to edit.
Any changes that you submit will be reviewed, and upon approval, will be displayed on the Calendar of Events.
I agree to run this event according to the USMS Recognition Requirements
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Event Information

Request Type: Sanction/Recognition
Postal? No
Event Type: Competition
Course Type: Short Course Yards
Pool Measured: Yes
Sanction Type: Recognized by USMS
Event Country: United States Of America
Event LMSC: Southern Pacific
Event Start Date: 10/05/2024
Event End Date: 10/06/2024
Event Title: Nevada Senior Games
Series Title: None Entered
Description: None Entered

Contact Information

Event Director

Edit Information
Display Information Publicly?:
Organization: Nevada Senior Games
Name: Kathy Guerrero
Email Address: swimmermom05@gmail.com
Phone Number: (702) 234-0660
Address 1: None Entered
Address 2: None Entered
City: None Entered
State: None Entered
Zip Code: None Entered
Country: United States Of America

Venue Information

Pavilion Center Pool
101 S Pavilion Center Drive
Las Vegas,
Nevada 89144
No Picture Found!

Entry Information

Event Website: https://www.nevadaseniorgames.com/
Link To Paper Entries: None Entered
Link To Online Entries: https://nevada.nsga.com/registration/2146/website/
Date Entries Close: 09/22/2024
Last Year's Est. Attendance: None Entered
This Year's Est. Attendance: None Entered
Entry Form: None Uploaded
Display Entry Form Publicly: No
Safety Plan: None Uploaded
"Other" Document: View Entry Form
Other Document Title: Nevada Senior Games Meet Announcement