USMS National Records
Lifetime Records for Jane G Oberg
Age GroupEventNameDateTime
W85-8950 Fly (SCY)Jane G Oberg 04-27-2452.53
50 Fly (SCY)Jane G Oberg 03-05-2352.79
50 Fly (SCY)Jane G Oberg 11-12-2255.23
100 Fly (SCY)Jane G Oberg 04-02-232:07.37
200 IM (SCY)Jane G Oberg 11-12-224:15.60
400 IM (SCY)Jane G Oberg 04-01-238:56.42
800 Free (LCM)Jane G Oberg 08-02-2316:34.35
1500 Free (LCM)Jane G Oberg 08-02-2331:29.52
50 Fly (LCM)Jane G Oberg 08-04-2358.45
50 Fly (LCM)Jane G Oberg 07-10-221:01.22
200 IM (LCM)Jane G Oberg 08-05-234:36.36
400 IM (LCM)Jane G Oberg 08-06-2310:17.34

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