2004 One Hour Postal National Championship

January 1-31, 2004

Hosted by Tamalpais Aquatic Masters

Club Competition Results

Individual Results

Team Results

Tamalpais Aquatic Masters was pleased to host the 27th Annual USMS One Hour Postal Swim National Championships for 2004. 2,265 swimmers participated from across the country and around the world. They represented 136 teams or were unaffiliated.

Three individual records were set: Suzanne Heim-Bowen, 45-49, swam 5205 yards, Rita Simonton, 85-89, swam 3005 yards, and Larry Raffaelli, 60-64, swam 4695 yards. Alison Zamanian, 33, swam the furthest of any woman ­ 5375 yards. The man who went the farthest was 27 year old Jason Eaddy who swam 5885 yards. Right behind him was 38 year old Mike Shaffer who swam 5835 yards.

Swimmers swam backstroke, breastroke, butterfly, and IM as well as the usual freestyle for 60 minutes. One person swam it four times, once each stroke, and several women swam though pregnant! We had ten 19 year old first-timers (2 men and 8 women) and our oldest participants were Hilda Buel, 89, 1000 yards, & Arthur Holden, 92, 925 yards.

We thank each of you for your participation in this year¹s Hour Swim. We hope you had a Happy Hour and encourage you to keep swimming for life. Next year¹s host is YMCA Indy Swim Fit, Mel Goldstein, Goldstein@mindspring.com. Entry information will be available November 2004. Thanks for your participation and have a great year!

Nancy Ridout and Chris Foote, Event Directors

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