Our Workout Library is the best resource for searchable online swimming workouts and is intended for all different abilities: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. These workouts are written by USMS-certified coaches and feature a variety of swimming sets for all different interests. Here are the highlights of the Workout Library:

  • Subscribe to weekly workouts emailed to you every Monday morning for each specialty
  • Filter by swimming course, desired distance, and set type
  • Print the workout or send it to your smartwatch via our Swim.com integration (must link accounts first) 
  • Customize the workout via Swim.com and truly make the workout yours

Here are some examples of the motivating workouts in our library: General | Weight Loss | Beginner | Triathlon
You can also watch our overview to help you become more familiar with this tool.

The Workout Library is one of the benefits of membership. Join or renew today to access these workouts.

Whether you are looking for swimming workout plans, a beginner swim workout, or a general collection of the best swimming workouts on the web, you have come to the right place! Here is some more information on our Masters Swimming Workout Library.

Glossary of Terms

These definitions can help you understand the words used in our swimming Workout Library


How a Workout's Total Time is Determined

There are two ways we determine a workout's overall time.

  1. The intervals' send off times
  2. The stroke's pace combined with rest

Send off times are written as @2:00, which means that you would leave for the next interval every 2:00. In the Workout Library, the send off times are not adjustable but they can be altered using the Swim.com app.

Rest is written as @:30 rest. The stroke's pace with rest is determined by using the pace it takes to swim that interval in a specific stroke and adding the allocated rest time. In the Workout Library, rest and pace are not adjustable but they can be altered using the Swim.com app. Your pace on Swim.com can automatically adjust depending on how fast you have swum previous workouts.  

Default paces are based on 2:00/100 meters and 1:49/100 yards (the conversion is based off .91 meters are in a yard). If your workout is written for 25 yards, use the 1:49 and if it is written as a meters workout (25 meters or 50 meters), use 2:00.
The stroke type Choice is the default pace. The different strokes and styles take the default pace and multiply a factor to it.

  • Choice - 1x (default pace)
  • Fly - 1.2x
  • Back - 1.1x
  • Breast - 1.2x
  • Free - .90x
  • Drill - 1.5x
  • Kick - 2x

For example, when swimming a set of 10 x 100 meters Choice @:30 rest, the overall time is 25 minutes. When swimming the same set as Free instead of Choice, the overall time would be 23 minutes.